Half the public think corridor care could be eradicated within a year if the Government took immediate action, a poll has found.
A survey of over 5,000 NHS nursing staff has offered ‘devastating testimony’ of patients dying in corridors, lack of equipment and unsafe practices.
More than 32,000 student nurses could drop out of their courses by the end of the next parliament, enough to fill every nursing vacancy in the NHS in England, new analysis reveals.
RCN members working for the NHS in England have voted to reject the 2024/25 pay award from the UK government.
The Royal College of Nursing (RCN) has urged the next Government to negotiate on pay this summer in order to avoid a six-month delay to a wage lift.
Over one in three nursing staff are regularly delivering car in inappropriate settings such as corridors, a new survey has found.
Falling student numbers mean the NHS workforce plan will be 10,000 nurses short of its target by 2025, the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) has warned.
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Wokingham Borough Council, Shute End/Home Working, Shute End, Wokingham£89,723 - £109,637 per annum, plus benefits
Wokingham Borough Council, Shute End/Home Working, Shute End, Wokingham£89,723 - £109,637 per annum, plus benefits
Wokingham Borough Council, Shute End/Home Working, Shute End, Wokingham£89,723 - £109,637 per annum, plus benefits